February 24, 2008

Glasses Case

I am still playing Animal Crossing: Wild World fairly consistently nowadays, but somehow today I felt compelled to revisit my Gamecube file for Animal Crossing.

AC Hiatus

It was rather nostalgic. Apparently I hadn't played the Gamecube version for 28 months, also evidenced by the fact that I'm standing in a field of weeds. I was pleasantly reminded of the roundabout chores that the animals gave you such as retrieving the glasses cases or organizers they've lent to others, for whatever reason. I also confusedly ended up asking Blathers to explain to me what the museum was until I realised that you had to mail fossils to the museum rather than have Blathers personally appraise them (a change I'm glad happened in AC:WW). Meeting the old villagers was nice too.

Also, sometimes Animal Crossing is not quite rated E.

AC Pretty Harsh

Haha, Chuck is awesome.

Now back to human bio. Reading Week was so short-lived. :(

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