December 31, 2004

No more leap year :o

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

December 27, 2004

Bits of Tid

Turkey turkey turkey. Because we didn't have it on Thanksgiving.

December 24, 2004

But I Have a Gas Fireplace...

It's Christmas Eve!

Christmas Break is halfway through!

I'm sure those are both equally appealing.

Tonight you should leave Santa something nice to ingest. Like, instead a cup of skim milk and those old oatmeal cookies you found in the depths of your cupboard, try a fruit smoothie and fresh fruit salad. It's probably more healthy, and tastes a lot better. He might give you a second gift for some originality.

December 23, 2004


My area must have the worse power lines ever or something of the sort. We constantly have power flickers, where the power stops and comes back on. It resets all the clocks and shuts off televisions and computers.

Today we just had a one and a half hour bout of power outageness. wtf. I spent it all playing cards. It sucked.

December 22, 2004


Almost Christmas Day. Yay. All presents are done. Yay. Chris' partay was fun. Risk!

We're all a happy community on Maple Story. Except for that gayass who stole our ore. n00b.

The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.
-Jay Leno

December 17, 2004

Have some pelvic thrusting action.

Last day of school didn't really feel like school whatsoever. I got accompished my present giving-outings and got a few candy canes and chocolate! The assembly was pretty good for the most part. I mostly liked the music in most presentations. In class there was much Indian Rummy and Matrix.

Afterwards it was dashing through the asphalt to Jason's house. There we tried some Mario Party 6 which used a microphone, and were quite impressed, amused, and abused. Then came buffet and bloatingness ensues.

If you have not, all go to Jason's blog and download Grahbe Yahbalz. It should keep you amused for about 5 minutes. The title of this post is a quote from the song. *points up*. Yup.

December 16, 2004

Please leave if you have logophobia

This is really just for personal reference as it would annoy everyone else. We know what phobias are: irrational fear of something. We usually use the term loosely, like when saying, "I have acrophobia because I'm afraid of heights." Although (hopefully) you aren't actually irrationally afraid of it. The furthest extent for us might be paraphobia, but as I have no professional knowledge in these things...

The following a list of phobias.

In General
Claustrophobia: Fear of small or closed spaces.
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces from Greek "agora" which eventually meant a gathering place for assembies.
Hydrophobia: Fear of water.
Nycophobia: Fear of the dark (or literally, fear of night) from the Greek word for night
Ochlophobia: Fear of crowds from the Greek word for crowd.
Anthropophobia: Fear of people and social situations.
Aerophobia: Fear of flying.
Emetophobia/Emitophobia: Fear of vomiting.

Nosophobia/Pathophobia: Fear of disease, from Greek "nosos, disease" and "pathos, suffering; disease".
Carcinophobia: Fear of contracting cancer.
Cardiophobia: Fear of heart disease.
Lyssophobia: Fear of contracting rabies from Greek word for disease, "lyssa".
Toxiphobia: Fear of being poisoned from the Greek "toxon", a bow which eventually evolved into a compound "toxicon", a type of poison for putting on arrows.
Algophobia: Fear of pain, from the Greek word for pain.
Thanatophobia: Fear of death, from the Greek word for death.
Random Disease Fears: Cholerphobia, Leprophobia, Meningitophobia, Syphilophobia, Tuberculophobia
Necrophobia: Fear of death.

Get That Book Away!
Logophobia: Fear of words in general.
Onomatophobia: Fear of hearing certain words spoken.
Bibliophobia: Fear of books.
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking.
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper.
Theatrophobia: Fear of theatres and plays.
Criticophobia: Fear of critics.

Amish Is Good
Computerphobia, Cyberphobia, Cybertechnophobia, Telephobia, Technophobia: Fear of technology.
Anoraknophobia: Fear of trainspotters; fear manifestations of information technology.

No Place on Earth
Cremnophobia: Fear of precipices or steep places from the Greek "kremnos", an overhanging cliff.
Brontophobia: Fear of thunderstorms and thunder from its Greek root.
Mycophobia: Fear of mushrooms.
Potamophobia: Fear of large bodies of water.
Hylophobia: Fear of forests.
Thalassophobia: Fear of the sea.
Rupophobia: Fear of dirt.
Ericophobia: Fear of heathland, basically an expanse of barren, dusty, plain land.
Astraphobia: Fear of lightning.
Anemophobia: Fear of cyclones.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of hurricanes and tornadoes.

I Hate Tourist Traps
Hodophobia: Fear of travelling.
Nerophobia: Fear of change.
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers from Greek "xenos", stranger; foreigner. Used to categorize the following phobias which are phobias of a certain group of outsiders:
Francophobia/Gallophobia: Fear of the French.
Hispanophobia: Fear of the Spanish.
Russophobia: Or as it was before, Sovietophobia, for fear of Russians.
Germanophobia/Teutonophobia: Fear of Germans.
Polonophobia: Fear of the Polish.
Italophobia: Fear of Italians. (WTF sphegetti for dinner!?)
Sinophobia: Fear of the Chinese and their obviously lethal chopsticks.
Europhobia: A fear or distaste for the European Union.
Anglophobia: Fear of England.
Scotophobia: Fear of Scotland, from Greek "skotos", dark.
Cambrophobia, Hibernophobia: Terms considered to be for the fear of the Welsh and Irish, although there are no official terms recorded.

We Have Our Own Beliefs, Don't Be Offended If I Don't Like Your's
Islamophobia: Fear of Islams.
Judeophobia: Fear of the Jewish.
Christophobia: Fear of Christians, Christianity.
Theophobia: Fear of God's anger.
Ecclestophobia: Fear and dread of ecclesiasticism (things relating to church)
Pneumatophobia: Fear of spiritual matters.
Hierophobia: Fear of sacred objects or persons.
Teleophobia: Fear of design or final causes.

The Wild Kingdom Is Too Wild For Me
Hippophobia: A fear of horses from "hippopotamus", literally "water-horse"
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs.
Ailurophobia: One of the many variations for the fear of cats.

Everyday Life Is Just Too Much
Gynophobia: Fear of women.
Ergophobia: Fear of work from Greek "ergon".
Hypnophobia: Fear of falling asleep.
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire.
Sitiophobia: Fear of food, although its Greek root suggests it should only be used for the fear of bread or grain.
Phagophobia: Fear of eating. (Don't tell them about lysosomes. Seriously. Bad things will happen.)
Horophobia: Fear of clocks, especially clockfaces.
Cyclophobia: Fear of cyclists.
Deipnophobia: Fear of dinner parties from Greek "deipnon", dinner.
Dromophobia: Fear of crossing streets.
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain.
Harpaxophobia: Fear of robbers.

Psychological Paradox
Polyphobia: Having several phobias.
Phobophobia: Fear of being afraid.
Panophobia: Defined as a causeless terror, where your fear has no appearant cause. Usually used along with Panphobia, the fear of everything.
Pantaphobia: The irrational absence of fear, from "pant-", all; everything, and "aphobia", fearlessness.
Paraphobia: A mild case of phobia.
Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 13.

I Am a Rebel, I Need No Explaination!
Erythrophobia: Fear of blushing from the Greek "erythros", red. (I'm having trouble thinking of a rational traumatic event that would cause this phobia.)
Successophobia: The fear that success will cause one to forget their personal needs, as defined by Douglas Coupland.
Linonophobia: Fear of string. (WTF sphegetti for dinner??!)
Anthophobia: Fear of flowers.
Symmetrophobia: Fear of symmetry.

December 14, 2004

3 days...2 days...1 day...

This week has been pretty good so far. I went to the Holiday Run today and had a pretty good time. I won a thermos in the random prize draw :) Arthur's prize however surpasses mine as he received vitamin pills for teenagers. Arthur had (medical) drugs at school :O!

Saturnalia followed and went as follows:
- Snacks!
- Trivial Pursuit
- Halo
- Halo
- Halo
- Presentation
- Halo
- Halo... (While I ate dinner others were eating up Halo)

So I left a bit early. It was still fun, even though I barely participated in Halo.

Sushi last night was fun too.
Nori nori nori!

December 10, 2004

Keep on pushing

- Angelina Jolie perpetually covered in various snakes
- Everyone else was occationally drunk
- Naked boy wrestling
- Slave boy that could've easily passed as a harlot in physcial appearance
- Slave boy that danced like a harlot
_ Slave boy that was kissed by Collin Farrell probably because he looked like a harlot
- Ten minute topless sexual assault scene
- Collin Farrell kissing various other males
- Collin Farell turns the other cheek and raises the bar too high
- War elephants and horses!
- Scribe and his personal African ink cup holder

That sums it up pretty well.

One more week.

December 08, 2004

I'll Use This at the Next Dinner Conversation

The most Smarties eaten in three minutes with a pair of chopsticks is 138 by Kathryn Ratcliffe (UK).

The most valuable grass was a piece of sod from London's Wembley Stadium, sold to Ken Bates (UK) for 20,000 pounds.

The most bombed country is Laos. In between May 1964 and February 1973 about 5 billion pounds (2.26 million tonnes) of bombs have been dropped onto Laos.

The world's highest-ranking camel is BERT (USA) who was accepted as Reserve Deputy Sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in San Dimas, California. BERT stands for "Be Enthusiastic Responsible and True". He regularily goes on patrol with his handler Nance Fite (USA).

The largest condom was 72 ft tall (21.94 m)and was fitted over the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, France on December 1st 1993 to mark World AIDS Day.

In the country sport of throwing dried cowpats, or 'chips', Steve Urner (USA) made the longest toss of cowpat of 266 ft (81.1 m).

Hence it is called trivia.

December 05, 2004

Don we now our gay apparel

With the prospect of Christmas approaching in two weeks, it's lifing my mood. Only 10 more days of school. 10 more days of tests and quizzes every other day.

We're getting a new fake Christmas tree, which is good. The last two years we got real trees, which was actually very pleasant as they released a nice scent into the house. However the loading and unloading into the house was a little annoying, and involved half of the main floor covered with pine needles each time.

During Christmas there's always this dinner thing where my dad's side of the family makes us host a dinner. And we have to serve them Chinese food. Because that's what they eat. Sometimes we force turkey upon them.

Of course there's going to be this aftermath of Christmas where you realised you have to do exams soon. And that the PA Day that's supposed to be right after the exams isn't because our calendar is defunct.

November 30, 2004

Oh yeah..posting

P.A. Day Friday, yay!

Movie and Saturnalia next week Friday, yay!

Chemistry mark fixed itself, yay!




Nothing interesting in particular has happened. The weather is all boring too. Whenever you hear Christmas music on the radio you look out and wish it would change a little or something because I'm not getting any Christmas vibes.

November 22, 2004

Work done at home. Or lunch periods.

Sum Up The Day

FBD's are fun
When fun is described like this:
"What the? Omg..."

Did you like the test?
Um, isoelectronic?
I got that one wrong

Humans all use lungs
They are full of grape-like sacs
Kinda makes you think

Where's Peloponnese?
So it's not in the textbook?
That's quite convenient

Here is a function
Do these random things to it
Now go find the trend

See this quotation
How does it describe the plot?
Please write legibly

Program a function
That should be running as planned
Dumb logic errors

His writing style?
Confusing yet dramatic
Grammar can go die

November 15, 2004

Oh the pane...

It was first lunch and we were sitting outside Dairy Queen, and we were talking when noises were heard coming from the gas station. Three guys were walking over making random sounds and singing Outkast. Two of them walk into Dairy Queen and the other walks along the window following the other two. One of them sit down. The other two begin to make out with each other on either sides of the window. This lasts an invigorating 5 seconds. Then they walk out of Dairy Queen and leave.


November 13, 2004


Cheesy Trash Talk of the Day:
You play like coffee - you're all about taking a few lumps and getting creamed.
- NP Crew's Jason


November 11, 2004

*whine* *sob* *moan*

Ugh, too much homework to worry about. I'm going to bomb the Physics quiz and World History Test because I hanve't had ample time to study for both, due to me finishing the Biology group project. Afterwards, I decided to blindly not study physics as it was 11:30 PM and I would like some sleep. I scarcely studied World History, and tomorrow's lunch will be quite not-fun. And my original list of stresses would have ended on tomorrow's fateful day, if it weren't for the addition of a Math Unit test, Chemistry Unit Test, and report cards. >_< Hurrah.

November 10, 2004

Haha OK it's my turn to draw from the hat.

Today was random timetable rearrangement where guidance took random people from other random computer science classes and stuck them into the period 9 one. I was moved, but my timetable change wasn't as drastic as others. My lunch just switched to first. Except....I'm not sure how the new teacher will be like. Basically I have double first lunch now with a couple people, and poor Zaheer is stuck alone in a period 8 comp class. I'm not sure if he managed to persuade guidance to change him because he sort of disappeared after going there.

On a brighter note, I don't see you-know-who as much anymore, since he has double second lunch.

November 09, 2004

An Ode. Yeah...

Protruding teeth and a thicket of hair
In yellow does disguise your dull-witted glare
With a sudden compulsion to annoy anyone there

Your unwarranted destruction of chalk
A five year old's imitation and jeering talk
This is why it's you that I mock

Who bangs desks, as well as banging them around
And with some teething problem, your two-pronged fork will
and make me suffer; Your presence does drive me aground

November 08, 2004

A white precipitate forms on my head

Hark! Here comes the snow
But where did morning go?
The sunlight's nearly gone
Its shadow cast as dawn.

Yeah, so, it'll be harder to get up now. I'm a horrible morning person. This morning I set my alarm clock to 5 am so I could get up at 7 am. =_=

November 07, 2004

Therapist for Hire

Step into the role of a therapist. One who treats stuffed animals, each with their own chronic insane conditions. Help cure a toy crocodile of aquaphobia and an extreme anxiety disorder. Help a sheep who seems to only want to abuse itself and howls like a wolf. Performs tests such as Paint Therapy, Play Therapy, Ink Splotch Tests, or Administer Drugs on the patient if need be.

Click here.

November 04, 2004


World History presentation is done and over with, and all that's left is Physics Quiz, Chemistry Project, Biology Project, Biology Unit Test, World History Unit Test. I guess, everything else.

Certamen was good, Markham won first in every level. Yay.

I just finished reading Othello, rather briefly though. I'll probably have to read it again to intake the content properly. The ending was waaaay too abrupt. In my opinion it was missing a scene. But then again it is fine as it is.

Today's sodium/potassium + water experiment was really cool. Especially potassium and its multicoloured flames and sparks. I argued that there was a high chance the piece of potassium would fling itself out of the beaker via the spout, but it never happened (in this class).

I feel really down lately, with the weather and workload.

November 02, 2004

omg ur jelaous lolz1

The upcoming burst of assignments and stress has been alleviated as now I don't have two unit tests in consecutive peroids anymore. Mr. Bower gave us a break and delayed the unit test one day in order to give us a review period. It's just better because you dont need to divide your studying into two subjects.

I think I'm messed for Certamen. I don't really stand a chance. Blah~~~
I think all my other team members will score points, while I sit there filling up space.

On another note, all the characters in Othello are stupid. I mean, I Othello gets crazy in like one day.

Iago: There are a kind of men so loose of soul
That in their sleeps will mutter their affairs.
One of this kind is Cassio.
In sleep I heard him say, "Sweet Desdemona,
Let us be wary, let us hide our loves."
And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand,
Cry "O sweet creature!" and then kiss me hard,
As if he pluck'd up kisses by the roots
That grew upon my lips; then laid his leg
Over my thigh, and sigh'd, and kiss'd, and then
Cried "Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!"
Othello: O monstrous! monstrous!

I think I agree with Othello.

October 31, 2004


Today was pretty good, if working on World History is considered good. After food court and Michael's it was Jason's house for modelling clay madness. I discovered the guinea pigs. They are so much better than hamsters. Mainly because hamsters are nocturnal and don't make any sounds. Of course guinea pigs need more caring. But still. They were exchaging little guinea pig calls. Can hamsters exchange little hamster calls? No. They just sleep on each other in a corner. But still, hamsters are cute in their own right.

I have to try to work projects as consistently as possible to avoid the eventual weekend cram of projects. (Which will probably happen anyway >_<)

October 28, 2004


So the Latin test turned out for the better. I have to start studying for Certamen hardcore again. It's on Wednesday. That Wednesday will be fun, but not the next. On November 2 I have a World History presentation, which will all be smushed in this weekend again. On November 9 I ahve a Comp Sci test, which won't be too bad.

But then there's November the 10th. That day. Won't be very enjoyable. I have a Chemistry project due. Stupid asthetically pleasing but stuffed with information brochure. Fine. But then there's that Biology Unit Test. I can handle both, since I have a lunch period to brace for Biology. But then there's also that World History Unit test the next period after Biology. Damn.

Then we have our Biology project due the Friday after that. I wouldn't have minded it that much if some of youse teachers would give us projects earlier, and the rest later. But no. Stupid report card deadlines.

October 26, 2004


I knew there was to be some horrible forthcoming test when we skipped 10 chapters in Latin to crazy translations, but I never realised how much it would own me. I didn't study for a whole grammar section because I didn't know it would be on the test, so I probably lost a handful marks there already.

"The vests were mutating and the friends were running around in circles." - Arthur

I didn't know that phrase too. I just wasn't as creative.

October 24, 2004

All the Punies ran away!

I guess I should've have ignored all my homework until today. I think I have a lot to carry back to school tomorrow...

Team America was cool, in that immature humour sort of way. I felt really bad sneaking in, mostly because the whole staff seemed to be gathered outside the theatre as we came out. But then again there was this mom and her 8 year old kid in there...

Ew, Lovecraft's stories are getting more disturbing. I guess I just so happened to read the not-so-disgusting ones first.

October 18, 2004

Time tells me.

I lost my agenda sometime this weekend and began to panic. Because then I wouldn't know what pages the homework is on and then I'd have to ask people. The horror! But Jason conveniently dropped by the world history room and found it, and according to him Mr. Bower was like "Whatever." I'm just glad Jason found it before some other random person, to whom Mr. Bower's expression would most likely be the same.

October 17, 2004

He's a big elder god with a wigg-ling bod

To the melody of Love Shack by B-52
I found a faded book on the shelf of the store, that read Madness Within by LOOOOOOOOOVECRAFT! H.P. Lovecraft!
He's a crazy little writer, took a lot of drugs
wrote a lot about monsters and gods and bugs~~
So I bought the the book, it's as big as a whale,
now I've gone mad from the terrifying tale!
It's about Cthulhu, who eats about twenty
but dont't look at its eye, or you'll see plenty!

October 16, 2004


I just realised how un-noticable the Word of the Moment was so I moved it. Yay.

October 14, 2004

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Lunchtime conversation between Vincent and John Molloy = Gophers and the theory of the evolution of our sexual organs.

Someone composed a song for H.P. Lovecraft using Love Shack by B-52. Laff.

I only found out today that the Latin trivia would be in a week. Maybe I should start studying. *shifty eyes here*

October 08, 2004


It's only funny because it's a real manga of the game.

There are lot of homework and tests coming up. It's sort of depressing thinking about it, so I'll just have to work it off slowly...

The holdays this year are really different. I think the P.A. Day we usually get after Jan exams is pushed ahead, making it redundant. Christmas holday is completely in December, and we go back to school in the beginning of January. Easter is in March...that shouldn't happen. They took away that special Friday we usually get with March Break. :(

~ R.I.P. Mr. Hicke ~

October 06, 2004

First Codified Laws

In Mesopotamia if you were a wife and you disregarded your duties, trashed the house, disrespected your husband and such, you can get "thrown in the water". Also if you are married to a husband but didn't have the proper contracts then, I quote, "You are no wife!" Hummurabi was a genious. Other laws involve oxen goring stuff, and having to actually refer to your children as "your children" in order for them to be recognized your children, if you had children with your wife and your female slave, then it would be the slave's children you should be refering to as your children in order for them to be recognized, so that they can inherit some of your possesions.

October 02, 2004

Cooper Andolloy

Wonderland was today, and it was fun, in that pretty cold weather kind-of-way.

I finally went on Tomb Raider, which was great, and SkyRider, which I just never bothered to go to before. I also tried Shockwave, which had the most confusing and random pattern of all the spinning-y rides.

The Fly was a classic. We were intentionally shouting the whole time, causing a rather small amount of disturbance. (ha) We bought the photo because it was a classic.

It's not recommended going onto White Water Canyon while's it's cold, windy, and raining. Not like us.

September 30, 2004

Nytol Sleep Aid: May cause drowsiness

Crazy Fact of the Day: In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.

We had a Code Red practice today. It was oen of the most claustrophobic 5 minutes of my life. I had it during chemistry. Good thing we didn't have it in Latin, where one of the walls is basically a long window, and the door on the opposite side also has a large window. Not to mention that the Latin classroom is extremely close to a school entrance.

September 23, 2004

Gave the finger

Mr. Bower had a university professor who taught various courses such as Romance in Literature (or something like that). He didn't have a left hand, rather, his index finger from his right hand was surgically placed onto the stump of his left hand so he could do things like tie his shoelace by looping the lace around the finger and such.

All I could say is that talking something like the pinky finger would be a little better than the index. Because now both of your hands are disabled...How did he hold a pencil...?

Speaking of fingers Mr. Bower got so irritated by the four consecutive announcements in last period he made a grand public guesture of two middle fingers towards the speaker box. He also has a fear of monkey dissections. At last I'm learning more about him, though askewed as these facts may be.

September 21, 2004

Noo...can't...procrastinate... that there's daily homework, I can't procrastinate effectively anymore. (i.e. having time to "play before work") Meaning I do it at lunch. :(

Illegal ripped copy of Troy. Translated to Chinese, then translated again into English subtitles. Hilarity. "Open the gates!" came out as "12 diva!". Yeah, I don't know why either. Needless to say I didn't get much homework done that lunch.

Randomly Mrs. Shah asks in Chemistry class, "Who wants the quiz to be delayed to next week?" The rest is obvious.

September 15, 2004

School is school.

There really isn't anything spectacular except that the homework is now starting to be significant enough to matter a lot. Math quiz tomorrow on factoring, English ode is done. Physics lab done but now we have this other strange thing with tickertape. Chemistry quiz and Biology quiz, luckily separated by lunch. We now actually have WORK for World History. And NOTES! Bah, the first three days were just a fluke. Then there's Comp Sci, made substantially worse by Ms. Butler. Too much talking and such. Algorithms are still evil. Latin review has only begun shaking those dusty memory banks clean.

Sucks. I'm going to change the Word of the Moment now...

September 09, 2004


Physics: Mr. Nowikow seems pretty good. Physics has been normal so far. We're learning uncertainties and doing lab reports. Lotsa fun. Has the biggest textbook ever.

Chemistry: Also normal. We have a quiz on significant digits and scientific notation. Mrs. Shah is OK, but class is uneventful.

Biology: Ms. Howard is good, we had candy the first day. Then we microscoped today. Grafitti on name signs is exciting. Except when the teacher forgets your name and has to read it.

World History: We spent all first class doing this name game thing with 38 students. The next class we watched a movie and got our course pack. A stack of paper as thick as my binder. Un-hole-punched. Un-stapled. ;_;

Math: It basically went: "YOU WILL PROBABLY FAIL." ...Yeah. Most math classes began like that anyway.

English: I learned that a group of larks is an exhaltation. w00t. I got 6/15. >_>

Comp Sci: Overcrowded and unhappy (we had to do algorithms on the first day...). Ms. Butler so far isn't as good as Mr. A....

Latin: Same good ol' Latin. We have a larger group of CU's than last year. /understatement.

September 07, 2004

Table of Times

Day 1
Physics - Nowikow ***
Chemistry - Shah **
Biology - Howard ****
World History - Bower *****

Day 2
Mathematics - Provvisionato **
English - Tunnicliff ****
Computer Science - Butler ***
Latin - MClaren *****

September 06, 2004

Prepare to be Educated

Tomorrow is school. School means a more routined day again for ten absurdly long months with fractured holidays here and there. School means the time you have to do things not school is reduced from around 15-16 hours to around 8-9 hours, if you don't have homework, or more if you don't like sleep.

I usually would have put up my timetable if I wasn't picking it up tomorrow. I'm going to be very busy counting classroom numbers.

I haven't really prepared myself for school mentally, due to being away the last two weeks. I'm going to be brutally thrust into the mood of school tomorrow. Time to set clock to 6 AM and hope I don't overuse the Sleep button.

September 03, 2004


I just got back from my vacation from Florida and I can't believe how well everything worked out, with the hurricanes and all.

I originally was already lucky enough to have just dodged Hurricane Charley and arrived Monday August 23. It was planned that I would spend the first week in Florida and the second for my cruise to the Bahamas. An unexpected flight time change forced us to move the cruise to the first week instead, and we never knew how well that would work out as well. Obviously if I had gone the cruise the second week to the Bahamas, Hurricane Frances would complicate things a lot.

Another thing that worked out was our flight home. It didnt get cancelled or delayed, and it was today at 10:40 AM, just in time to get out before the hurrcane and just in time to leave before Orlando Int. Airport closed down. Long security lines > me.

It was a great vacation, and because of the hurricane the theme park lines got really short on Thursday, which was fine with me. Snorkling was great but sunburns aren't.

Ew, school shouldn't be on Tuesday. ;_;

August 22, 2004

Last Minute Mode

I'll be leaving for the airport around 3:45 AM (might as well not sleep...)I think we're getting a driver of sorts to get us to the airport. We'll then arrive in Florida and shuttle bus to the cruise boat. After the cruise finishes on Friday I'll be Florida-ing until the next Friday, Sept. 3.

Of course, I'll be missing school registration. :(
Another unfortunate thing is that it's going to be thunderstorming all week in the Bahamas. >:( Hopefully it'll turn out not as bad.

You should download this: RedXIII Redux. Awesome remix, tad too short.

See you in two weeks.

August 20, 2004

August Retreat

I'll be leaving on Monday for vacation for two weeks. The first week I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas, and the second I'll be in Florida theme parks. Sounds fun, although it's depressing that as soon as I get back it's time for school.

August 17, 2004

The end is near! Wait, false alarm.

I just had this strange 15 minute blackout spell. Wasn't it like, only a day or two ago from this date last year when the major blackout occured? So we made sure it wasn't just our house for some reason, and it wasn't. The streetlights were off as well. I thought, "Whee, blackout." And took out candles. And then the power came back. So I put them away.

And then we carried on. Like it never happened. Spoooky.. >_>

August 14, 2004

Toss Hammer

I managed to beat Abyssion and the Exhibition Match without All-Divide...although I lost about 1.5 grade in each battle. *tear*

Yes, Collateral was pretty good. Although I shouldn't have correctly guessed the ending. I ruined it for myself.

August 04, 2004

Foreign Guffaw

Today I went and saw Lord of the Wu Tang starring Jet Li. Not your ordinary martial arts flim. The 1993 film was remade into a DVD in 2000 which had no menu. So it's more of like a VHS that runs in a DVD player. It came complete with white subtitles which could not be visible 20% of the time due to not having a border when placed over white backgrounds. The subtitles had a gratuitous amount of spelling and grammar errors, with such phrases like, "Women is cunning" or "Why did you assassinate me?". They also simplifed things with English slang, for example summarizing three separate insults into "Bitch". The fight scenes came included with many men flying on wires and were obviously fast-forwarded to make them seem more intense.

The story was rather inclement, with the absense of the 10 minute prologue left in the other versions. (This is the third episode of a series). It involved many rival martial arts clans, a martial arts monk embedded in a boulder, horrible jokes about morning erections, magic powder dubbed "Scent" which would take away your kung foo powers if inhaled and left untreated, and two particularly aroused men whose mission is to rape every woman they come upon. Wow.

To cap it all off the ending is a cliffhanger which just smacks you in the face and leaves you there confused. There was supposed to be a sequel, but due to spending too much on all the fight scenes (probably for the wiring) they gave up.

Thank you Wong Jing for that unforgettable experience.

July 28, 2004


I decided to stop being (really) lazy and went to get my report card.

Generally marks either stayed the same or went up.

It appears I've won an award for Grade 10 Civics and must attend a Subject Award Ceremony on September 22 2004 and arrive early to sit in the designated award winners' area.


Who wins awards for Civics?!

Appearantly I do...

July 27, 2004

"that takes the pervible cake"

Click "Watch this Movie"
It's the funkiest thing ever.

After Zaheer's sleepover I've managed to completely kill my internal clockwork. Yay.

Finally, I'm reading the last book of Kay's Fionavar Tapestry trilogy. It's been put on hiatus for like, a year. I need to finish!

I will miss Jason. Since I leave this country almost exactly after he comes back to Canada.

July 21, 2004

Har har.

Sam: I'm sorry your date with that guy didn't turn out so great.
Pam: It started out good enough. He went up to me and said, "I'm gonna make you feel like a real woman."
Sam: Wow, then what?
Pam: He looked into my eyes, then took off his shirt.
Sam: Oh my! Then?
Pam: He said, "Iron this."

Moral: Don't ever go on dates at the laundromat.


July 16, 2004


Of course I've been updating regularily. Wha...?

Nothing out of the ordinary has really happened tho. Yesterday I went for a Tales of Symphonia preview at Dennis's. A while before that on Tuesday, Jason's shiny new TV encounter.

I'm still going on in Final Fantasy 10...recently obtained this month, I'm now in Mt. Gagazet. Seymour blows. Only when you're fighting him.

Pow Hammer!

July 09, 2004

Another Week

Hmmmm there's nothing much to post about.

I did watch Spiderman 2 and it was pretty good, perhaps a little more memorable than the first Spiderman.

I stayed up so late last night...6 AM..I don't know why. Overdose of...whatever carbonated drink I drank yesterday.

July 03, 2004


Off to some important family birthday party thing. :(

All day. With no entertainment outlet really. Bah...

July 02, 2004

Delayed Canada Day

Whee, we're officially 137 years young! This should've been here yesterday but I forgot.

No Toogood fireworks for me, so I went to play with my own fireworks and sparklers.

There's not much else to say.

June 26, 2004

Brain freeze

My brain is hurting, after slurping an Ice Cap waaay too fast. *pain*

When I was leaving my house earlier this morning, it turns out my neighbor was quite happy with Greece and decided to plaster the front of their house and car with flags. To my amusement, the largest Greek flag which was attached to a lamppost they installed on their walkway was unfortunately, upside-down. It amused me much. XD

A couple hours later upon my returning home they fixed it. I hope that they're not actually Greek. For shame. Either that or it was a little too hot this morning.

It's so nice and bright outside, why is my house so dark inside? I think I'm gonna go outside and run in circles for a while and absorb some nice harmful UV rays.

June 25, 2004

Stupidity of the Day

Steve: I don't understand how my checking account can be overdrawn

Bob: Why is that?

Steve: Because I still have ten checks left.

BTW I found out it really was called St. Jean Baptiste Day. :P

June 24, 2004

Happy Saint-Jean-Baptiste! and Blog Title

Yes, appearantly today Quebec-ers everywhere are celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste. (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to add a "Day" after that)

I just realised my blog's title has a boring font to most people, because the font I'm using for it was downloaded. Go to Font Garden in my Links section and download the font Love LetterTW!

June 23, 2004

Now it's over

School is officially done. I would've gone to school today, I really sincerely mean that, but I overslept until arond 10:30-11, and it turns out my parents didn't really want to wake me up. So I stayed home. But there wouldn't have been much to do anyway.

Dodgeball last night was pretty good. I had never heard of the movie until the day of. <_<

Sushi tonight was pretty good too. There were 10 of us there, lots of chicken terriyaki and steak. Now I am full.

June 22, 2004

It's over

OK, school year of 2003-2004 is basically over. I'll miss you, homework, tests, projects, summatives and exams.

Well not really.

I guess I'll go to school tomorrow to say good-byes to teachers. Then I should be sushi-ing away. Unless an abrupt change of plans has occured.

June 21, 2004


Computer sci is a foolio. School should be done. No more work for my brain please. When I try to study all the information just bounces away. Meaning my brain is selectively permeable. Selectively rejecting any school related things. Oh boy.

June 19, 2004

Articular Conception

Visit teh Joe Lee!

His drawings still rock, as always.

June 17, 2004

Heh, I'm "neat" >_>


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Exams my asp

Science exam was uncertain. I hope I did well.

I'm going to play Insaniquarium again. Then study history. Again.

June 16, 2004

In Comp Sci

10 period day sucks. Not as I originally thought.

Tim Hortons!!!!!

Zaheer is a noob. Skippah!

June 15, 2004


May barbarians invade your personal space!
Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!
"May barbarians invade your personal
You are highly confrontational and possibly in a
bad mood. You would have sworn in this quiz,
if I had made it an option.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's just because I wanted to stake all the vampries in the quiz. Psht.

School should stop

No donuts in music. Oh well. It appears the number of people who I thought didn't go wasn't really 5, more of like, 10+. <_<

Science was Ms Pricey. And fire alarm.
Math was exam results. And pretty writing on my arm.
Music was Stairway to Heaven among others. And forgetting my CD for the second time.
Careers was madman taking child pornography, and Antz. And Mr. Doctorow got his bank account hacked. :(

Fun, tomorrow is a 10 period day, with an extra 10 minutes of locker cleaning fun. Exams are just delaying the end of school on purpose.

June 13, 2004

Oh Legolas, I want you!

No, the title wasn't really wrought from the depths of my desires, but rather, one of the various incomprehensible lines in our English Year of 03/04 video. John, Jason, Zaheer, Dennis, and I managed to pull the video off, planning and all, in one day, but it turned out really successful, with a few editing and filming hiccups here and there. Still, in our video we (directly or indirectly) bashed a few people, and I feel very sorry for it, and really wished we had a disclaimer or something. But it was really fun.

Again, as with most videos we yield, it would be completely confusing and non-humourous for the most part to the audience, but again, we love it, and that's all that matters.

Sorry Chris! Zaheer really wanted to...incorporate you into our video. *shudders during the video footage*

Go Mrs. PacMan.

June 12, 2004


Nice, no more projects for the rest of the year. Only a few tests and exams. Better than projects or presentations anyway.

Today was Musik Banquet. It was pretty good, I didn't go last year, but this year seemed to have met and if possible exceeded my preliminary expectations. In other words, woot.

I should see Harry Potter tomorrow. Most people have agreed that it was OK. That's good enough for me.

On an unhappier sidenote, I don't feel too good about the math exam. Meh.

Finished for the Year: English, Math, Music, Careers
Still to come : History, Latin, Computer Science, Science

June 09, 2004

It's not over yet

OK, so now Music Duets and the Listening thing is done. Now time for Latin Exam Part One, Math Exam, and Music Scales Test. So far this blog has been a long list of projects and exams. Ugh...

So I should probably be going to Music Banquet since it's so good. And let my class get doughnuts/donuts. I'm one of the 4-5 people in my class who haven't bought a ticket yet, so I guess I better get moving...Go peer pressure.

"Millimeeeeters." - John Molloy

June 08, 2004


So now Latin and debates are done. I feel bad. We didn't use our excuse of the government abusing the War Measures Act to look for communists enough. I was so sure it would break the stupid circle going on. Oh well...It went rather well anyway, at least we all spoke like we knew what we were doing.

Now! On to Music Duets and the Listening Analysis.

BTW, the best place to learn to play music? Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. XD


For the moment it seems my Latin is done. I'm trying to print double-sided in order to now use up 21 sheets of paper.

Then I'll just print off some debate stuff and sleep. Sleep is what I need.

June 07, 2004

me taedet

I'll be doing Latin all night. And then debates some time.

Crap this will take all night. I don't feel like debating anymore. I'm really tired of it. How the heck is Trudeau uncourageous. Damn the courage gimmick.

How will you take your Latin summative?
a) With frustration
Go to page 3.
b) With bitterness
Go to page 4.
c) With insurmountable pain
Go to page 75.

June 06, 2004

Why school, why?

It's nice that all the important tests and projects are squished into a span of one month, and pressure on the teachers for getting marks in by a deadline don't help either. It's an endless spiral of homework and stress until the end of exam week. Then you die of exhaustion.

We did our summative Scientific Inquiry CD today. It rocks. Our ornicopter owns. Except I still hate William Hung. Blah.

I have to work on Music, Latin and Music today and tomorrow, after which I get to worry about Music Exams, Math Exam, Latin Exams, and eventually Computer Science test. Then comes exam week. Oh joy. Careers is just gonna be additional pain to sprinkle over the pile of projects and exams.

June 05, 2004

It is born

I have made a Blog! However I have no Blogging know-how and will most likely have an ugly-ish layout. Oh well, I'll see how this goes...