February 25, 2006

What ho!

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Yay, the snow melted! Everything is green and pretty now. I call my expression in the photo, "Struck in the Face by Spring".

*looks out own window*
*it's snowing*

Edit: Plus flowers.
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February 19, 2006

This can must be no larger than a tooth filling. What is its optimal colour?

Quote of the Moment:
You know what annoys me? When people tell you, "It's in the last place you'll look" Well duh! Who keeps looking after you find it? - ACpinkfan

February 17, 2006

"Was it 'Photography For Dummies'??!?"

^ Grad Photo Guy

OMG big icicles, hurtful if they make contact with back of head.

By sheer luck I caught a little droplet of water falling from that right icicle :O It's hidden in the puffy cumulus.

The texture of icicles looks like candy up close, albeit somewhat deformed.

Also, words of wisdom from Antigone:

"Is there anything more stupid than a stupid man who doesn't know his own stupidity?!" - Teiresias

February 12, 2006

February 11, 2006

Corrupt a climatologist.

This is cool.


February 06, 2006

This must be saved for future amusement.

Markham District High School is a public high school in the town of Markham, Ontario, Canada. It is one of many high schools in the York Region District School Board.

With almost 2000 full-time students, MDHS is active in spirit and in the community. The school hosts many clubs, many of which are activist-based (for example, Amnesty International). The Classics Club is by far the most prominent club in the school and Markham District is the only high school in York Region to have a three-year Latin program. Sadly, this may not be the case next year as it seems Kelly McCleod (principal) would rather direct funds to better air conditioning in her office or comfier chairs for the auditorium than keep the program running.

The Markham Maurauders are the official sports team, most well known for Football and Rugby.

Markham District celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2004.

Wikipedia, information obtained Feb. 06, 2006; 8:40 PM EST

Seriously, kudos to whoever did that.

Markham District High School

February 05, 2006

Spiqua Hotcakes

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Irrevelant Buddy chat segments removed.

She's probably one of those people who sidle up to you in a line-up and act weird to make you go away.