June 30, 2006

Raymer's Wood

Went to get report cards today. Was a mass of non-air-conditioned fun. I was confused because the "A-F" line wasn't visible from the back of the line, so I kinda tagged onto the "G-L" line. Later I learned that if I went in from the other entrance there was an easier chance to cut a lot of the line. Oh well.

June 29, 2006

Player's Best Long

Monday's was Frankie's. It was very Italian-y, and it was generally agreed that the calamari was the best. As opposed to the singing Frankie on their website.

Yesterday was officially the last day of high school. Buuut nothing really special happened. Except maybe when Arthur showed up with a box of popsicles. Went to Zaheer's house afterwards.

June 23, 2006



Two month wait until university begins. Exciting.
My brain is too tired to think about anything to type right now.

For future reference...

Jun 2 - Algeo Summative
Jun 7 - Biology Exam
Jun 8 - Physics Presentation
Jun 13 - Calculus Summative
Jun 15 - English ISP Presentation
Jun 16 - Physics Exam
Jun 19 - Chemistry Exam
Jun 20 - Classical Civ Film Review
Jun 22 - Algeo Exam
Jun 23 - Calculus Exam

June 11, 2006

Mathematical Induction and Physical Conduction

School. Lots. Sucks. Busy.

How To Cage A Lion

According to the Schrodinger Method, I might not be in the actual school during my physics exam. Or something.