September 24, 2005

I'm Afraid, You're Afraid

I borrowed this silly book today called "I'm Afraid, You're Afraid" by Melinda Muse and it's about "448 things to fear and why". Although I don't completely believe all of the facts in this book, but it's still amusing to read through nontheless. So far I've read things like:

Alaska: It's a cold fact that, of all the states, Alaska holds the lead in death rates from unintentional injury, and is also the nation's most dangerous state for children. From 1986 to 1992, the injury death rate for youths aged nineteen or younger was 45.7 per 100,000, compared to the lower national rate of 30.2. Officials are stumped, failing to offer reasons for the high death rate of youngsters, but a good guess might include the zooming popularity of snowmobiling. Alaskans are dying in snowmobile accidents at least twice as fasy as rides in any other state.

Baby-Faced Boys: Looks deceive. Baby-faced boys are more likely to be delinquent and commit more crimes than their less cherubic-looking pals, divulges a recent study that suggests that the sweet-appearing juvies intentionally try to derail their submissive image by acting naughty, not nice. The behaviour of baby-faced girls, researchers note, isn't at all affected by their sugar-and-spice appearance.

Cinnamon Gum: The active ingredient in cinnamon-flavoured gum, candy, and breath mints is the allergen cinnamic-aldehyde, which can cause white spots and sores to erupt in the mouth.

Other interesting ones I'm too lazy to type up include Antennas, August, Bad Initials, Bible Quoting, Chopsticks, and Coffee Cups. I need to finish reading this.

September 22, 2005


Since my random emergence of a fever the past weekend, I have been sick all week and taking antibotics. It's made me extremely tired all week, and it was hard to pay attention in class.

On the other hand I got an MP3 player and Guiness World Records 2006 for my birthday, yay.

Also, one of China's finest literary works:

Harry Potter and Leopard-Walk-Up-To-Dragon

"Harry doesn't know how long it will take to wash the sticky cream cake off his face. For a civilised young man it is disgusting to have dirt on any part of his body. He lies in the high-quality bathtub, keeps wiping his face, and thinks about Dudley's face, which is as fat as the bottom of Aunt Petunia."

Note that the dragon in the book cover looks startlingly like Maleficent from Disney's Sleeping Beauty...

September 17, 2005


Nothing interesting has turned up. School is becoming more school-like and annoying. And...that's it.

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September 09, 2005

"A bunch of freakshows"

Yeah, um, Guidance has some issues. With my issues. Because I lined up for 2 hours and 45 minutes today only to have them drop Comp Sci and leave me in AP Physics. I don't want to deal with them anymore...

On another note, the major patch in Guild Wars has been keeping things interesting, and the AoE3 Demo is out, although for me it has a ton of bugs. Hopefully that'll all be gone in the retail version.

September 07, 2005

Harry Potter + Substance Abuse?

Exerpts from two versions of Harry Potter: HBP.

American: "...look," said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black horn-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight.

British: "...look," said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black hooter-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight.

American: ...many flourishing potted plants in brass containers.

British: ...many flourishing pot plants in brass containers.


Oh noes, it's my rant about first days of school post.

Chemistry - I don't know any anyone in my class, Mrs. Hubbell is pregnant, and we got some 50 mark review homework. Oh dear.

Biology - Mr. Jamieson is cool, loves biology and has a cool website. Yay.

Func and Calc - Most of my class seems rather pacified by math, Ms. Oliver is nice, but normal and bland, and we got a bit of factoring review homework. Eeeh.

English - The only class on Day One to break the dreariness of science and math. Mrs. Corry is still very good, and no homework. :o

Geo and Discreet - Mrs. Chow is really crazy, and we had a DEAR session. Although, this is probably going to be the most challenging course.

Comp Sci - Oh noes, to be dropped!

AP Physics - I did not sign up for this, but was put here anyway to keep the class running. Consequently my name in the school database has been labeled "tool". I'll have to hestiantly do my chapter of homework, and ignore the suggested ones...But it is hilarious that we have three textbooks.

Classical Civ - Sweltering, stuffy classroom + split with Gr 3 Latin = Classical Civ is hot.

September 05, 2005

Happy Teacher's Day! India. However for us, today is Labour Day. Yay for people who labour for us! And yay for Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan which Teacher's Day in India is appearantly celebrated in honour of.

OK, so, Chun Yi Kung Fu was really good, it was a show that would actually keep you interested the whole time because it's all action packed, without the drowsy artistic moments. That of course made it a little short, only 1.5 hours! I wanted more Buddhist monk action.

Wonderland was average, because it was such a busy day that every ride had a minumum 20 min lineup. Actually the only line that was that short was for Nightmare. So we definitely didn't go on as many rides as usual. There was also that suspense of where Puiyan was after she didnt show up, and all her family could tell us was, "She's at Wonderland!"

The lesson of that day is that we are all at the whim of the YRT.