This is really just for personal reference as it would annoy everyone else. We know what phobias are: irrational fear of something. We usually use the term loosely, like when saying, "I have acrophobia because I'm afraid of heights." Although (hopefully) you aren't actually irrationally afraid of it. The furthest extent for us might be paraphobia, but as I have no professional knowledge in these things...
The following a list of phobias.
In GeneralClaustrophobia: Fear of small or closed spaces.
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces from Greek "agora" which eventually meant a gathering place for assembies.
Hydrophobia: Fear of water.
Nycophobia: Fear of the dark (or literally, fear of night) from the Greek word for night
Ochlophobia: Fear of crowds from the Greek word for crowd.
Anthropophobia: Fear of people and social situations.
Aerophobia: Fear of flying.
Emetophobia/Emitophobia: Fear of vomiting.
InfectiousNosophobia/Pathophobia: Fear of disease, from Greek "nosos, disease" and "pathos, suffering; disease".
Carcinophobia: Fear of contracting cancer.
Cardiophobia: Fear of heart disease.
Lyssophobia: Fear of contracting rabies from Greek word for disease, "lyssa".
Toxiphobia: Fear of being poisoned from the Greek "toxon", a bow which eventually evolved into a compound "toxicon", a type of poison for putting on arrows.
Algophobia: Fear of pain, from the Greek word for pain.
Thanatophobia: Fear of death, from the Greek word for death.
Random Disease Fears: Cholerphobia, Leprophobia, Meningitophobia, Syphilophobia, Tuberculophobia
Necrophobia: Fear of death.
Get That Book Away!Logophobia: Fear of words in general.
Onomatophobia: Fear of hearing certain words spoken.
Bibliophobia: Fear of books.
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking.
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper.
Theatrophobia: Fear of theatres and plays.
Criticophobia: Fear of critics.
Amish Is GoodComputerphobia, Cyberphobia, Cybertechnophobia, Telephobia, Technophobia: Fear of technology.
Anoraknophobia: Fear of trainspotters; fear manifestations of information technology.
No Place on EarthCremnophobia: Fear of precipices or steep places from the Greek "kremnos", an overhanging cliff.
Brontophobia: Fear of thunderstorms and thunder from its Greek root.
Mycophobia: Fear of mushrooms.
Potamophobia: Fear of large bodies of water.
Hylophobia: Fear of forests.
Thalassophobia: Fear of the sea.
Rupophobia: Fear of dirt.
Ericophobia: Fear of heathland, basically an expanse of barren, dusty, plain land.
Astraphobia: Fear of lightning.
Anemophobia: Fear of cyclones.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of hurricanes and tornadoes.
I Hate Tourist TrapsHodophobia: Fear of travelling.
Nerophobia: Fear of change.
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers from Greek "xenos", stranger; foreigner. Used to categorize the following phobias which are phobias of a certain group of outsiders:
Francophobia/Gallophobia: Fear of the French.
Hispanophobia: Fear of the Spanish.
Russophobia: Or as it was before, Sovietophobia, for fear of Russians.
Germanophobia/Teutonophobia: Fear of Germans.
Polonophobia: Fear of the Polish.
Italophobia: Fear of Italians. (WTF sphegetti for dinner!?)
Sinophobia: Fear of the Chinese and their obviously lethal chopsticks.
Europhobia: A fear or distaste for the European Union.
Anglophobia: Fear of England.
Scotophobia: Fear of Scotland, from Greek "skotos", dark.
Cambrophobia, Hibernophobia: Terms considered to be for the fear of the Welsh and Irish, although there are no official terms recorded.
We Have Our Own Beliefs, Don't Be Offended If I Don't Like Your'sIslamophobia: Fear of Islams.
Judeophobia: Fear of the Jewish.
Christophobia: Fear of Christians, Christianity.
Theophobia: Fear of God's anger.
Ecclestophobia: Fear and dread of ecclesiasticism (things relating to church)
Pneumatophobia: Fear of spiritual matters.
Hierophobia: Fear of sacred objects or persons.
Teleophobia: Fear of design or final causes.
The Wild Kingdom Is Too Wild For MeHippophobia: A fear of horses from "hippopotamus", literally "water-horse"
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs.
Ailurophobia: One of the many variations for the fear of cats.
Everyday Life Is Just Too MuchGynophobia: Fear of women.
Ergophobia: Fear of work from Greek "ergon".
Hypnophobia: Fear of falling asleep.
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire.
Sitiophobia: Fear of food, although its Greek root suggests it should only be used for the fear of bread or grain.
Phagophobia: Fear of eating. (Don't tell them about lysosomes. Seriously. Bad things will happen.)
Horophobia: Fear of clocks, especially clockfaces.
Cyclophobia: Fear of cyclists.
Deipnophobia: Fear of dinner parties from Greek "deipnon", dinner.
Dromophobia: Fear of crossing streets.
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain.
Harpaxophobia: Fear of robbers.
Psychological ParadoxPolyphobia: Having several phobias.
Phobophobia: Fear of being afraid.
Panophobia: Defined as a causeless terror, where your fear has no appearant cause. Usually used along with
Panphobia, the fear of everything.
Pantaphobia: The irrational absence of fear, from "pant-", all; everything, and "aphobia", fearlessness.
Paraphobia: A mild case of phobia.
Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 13.
I Am a Rebel, I Need No Explaination!Erythrophobia: Fear of blushing from the Greek "erythros", red. (I'm having trouble thinking of a rational traumatic event that would cause this phobia.)
Successophobia: The fear that success will cause one to forget their personal needs, as defined by Douglas Coupland.
Linonophobia: Fear of string. (WTF sphegetti for dinner??!)
Anthophobia: Fear of flowers.
Symmetrophobia: Fear of symmetry.