June 24, 2004

Happy Saint-Jean-Baptiste! and Blog Title

Yes, appearantly today Quebec-ers everywhere are celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste. (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to add a "Day" after that)

I just realised my blog's title has a boring font to most people, because the font I'm using for it was downloaded. Go to Font Garden in my Links section and download the font Love LetterTW!


  1. Peut-etre il etait le jour de saint-jean-baptiste?
    Nice blog Kevin :)
    Damn...Ms. Indra gave me 98% in Civics and I figured no one would get higher than that so I'd get the award, but I think someone is getting 99%. Argh.
    Visit my livejournal that hasn't been updated. I don't have a blog. www.livejournal.com/users/liquidblackout

  2. lol, Ms. Indra gave me a 98% too. In the first term it was only 90%, but decided to pop up 8% later on :P

  3. aww...and I thought I was special...I started with a 94% :( damn that Civics.

  4. Ms. Indra's random marking paid off for me in the end I guess...I remember she took off 5 marks from one of my projects because it "didn't look right".

  5. omg! yeah! same! but sitting together and commenting on everything during all the classes was fun =)
