May 24, 2007


I've been playing Pokémon Diamond recently, and I actually managed to stumble upon two shiny Pokémon, which are basically just extremely rare (somewhere along the lines of 1 in 8,192 chance in each wild encounter) and have different colouring than normal.

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I found my first, which was a shiny Onix, at Iron Island. It was really tricky to get because it was in a double battle where I was forced to fight along with Riley and at first I was really annoyed because I thought you weren't allowed to catch Pokémon in double battles. (Which is true, but if one of them faints and the other is left you can catch it) On the first turn we basically knocked both the Onix and Golbat into red health, and I think the Onix summoned a Sandstorm. Unfortunately I had to knock out Riley's Lucario which would have otherwise tried to faint the Onix, and the sandstorm took care of the Golbat. Then I proceeded to put it to sleep and it was caught.

EDIT: I didn't realise it was so unclear in the pictures but basically the Onix is greenish-brown coloured.

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Just recently I found a shiny Staravia (but now a Staraptor as pictured) in the Trophy Garden while trying to get wild Eevee.

I wonder if the encounter rate has been increased? Otherwise I'm just extremely lucky. Although, the shiny state doesn't really affect status or anything as far as I know.

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