March 12, 2006

Vocals: Porno Graffiti

It is currently very warm. This is good.

From More Psychometric Testing:

Coping Under Pressure
25. How often have you felt the pressure of one thing and another is simply doing your head in?
a) occationally
b) more often than I would like
c) rarely or never

Optimist or Pessimist?
7. How would you complete the saying: If at first you don't succeed...
a) give up
b) try again
c) try, try and try again

8. Alice sent the following cryptic message to the Cheshire Cat. Can you decode it?

nia gareh tego tyt pmu htu pt'nd luocn ems'g nikeh tllad nases
rohs'g ni kehtl la

10. What is the connection between these pairs of words?

nomad ride

melon done

prom echo

chop arising

Verbal Ability
6. Only one set of five letters below can be arranged to spell out a 5-letter English word. Find the word.

These quizzes are silly.

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