March 30, 2006

Worth more than its weight in gold

Article and images from Discover magazine April '06 issue.

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Nemo Goes To College
Dean Pomerleau's pet goldfish, Albert Einstein, knows how to play fetch, a feat the Pittsburgh-area engineer hopes will earn his calico fantail a listing in Guinness World Records as the world's smartest fish. Albert the goldfish has also learned to nudge a soccer ball into a goal and to do the limbo.

"I spend half my life telling people fish aren't stupid," says Culum Brown, a zoologist at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand who puts fish through mazes to study cognition. Brown says salmon can learn to feed themselves by pushing a lever, and some carp are trained to come when called so that workers using them to clean up algae can transport the fish from one lake to another. He has also observed that rainbow fish recall the location of an escape hole in a fishing net a year later.

Fish brains have a structure very different from those of other vertebrates: They develop inside out. Although these brains don't have the same parts, they seem to do the same things. "Unfortunately, there are only about three labs in the world that work on fish brains, so it's taking a long time to catch up," Brown says.

In nature, memory equals survival. Fish learn from one another which to mate with and which not to fight with, where to eat and how not to get eaten. Brown enjoys picking up a fishing rod and engaging in a battle of wits: "There's something to be said for outsmarting them!"

- Jessica Ruvinsky

March 29, 2006

When Satires Go Bad(der)

The word 'cunnilingus' also occurs in literary Latin, and is found once in Catullus and more frequently in Martial. Horace's Sermones I.2 and I.3 use the word:

Nam fuit ante Helenam cunnus taeterrima belli
causa. . .

which attributes the cause of the Trojan War to Helen of Troy's cunt.

Ehhh that's not what I learned in Classical Civ and World History! :o

It seems that when we were studying Catullus, Cicero, and Suetonius last year, Mr. McLaren stealthily tucked all of away from us. But now the truth is out!

*sprays some vulgar Latin graffiti*

Modified Lit. test schedule today was a waste of time, if it wasn't for the physics lesson and the fact that I had a quiz/test today >_O

Grumble Pen

April is always the month for me where all those deadlines set from a long time ago all suddenly pile up and smack you in the face. Especially English and Classics. Eeps.

Today my parents got back from China and now we have all these fun souvenirs. My favourite is this set of bells that you can hit with a miniature hammer. Also got these cool framed figurines of Zhang Fei and Ma Chao. And a marble stamp! And a baseball cap from the Olympic stadium! *plays with things*

March 23, 2006


The Camel Dances

The camel had her heart set on becoming a ballet dancer.
"To make every movement a thing of grace and beauty," said the Camel. "That is my one and only desire."

Again and again she practiced her pirouettes, her releves, and her arabesques. She repeated the five basic positions a hundred times each day. She worked for long months under the hot desert sun. Her feet were blistered, and her body ached with fatigue, but not once did she think of stopping.

At last the Camel said, "Now I am a dancer." She announced a recital and danced before an invited group of camel friends and critics. When her dance was over, she made a deep bow.

There was no applause.

"I must tell you frankly," said a member of the audience, "as a critic and a spokesman for this group, that you are lumpy and humpy. You are baggy and bumpy. You are, like the rest of us, simply a camel. You are not and never will be a ballet dancer!" Chuckling and laughing, the audience moved away across the sand.

"How very wrong they are!" said the Camel. "I have worked hard. There can be no doubt that I am a splendid dancer. I will dance and dance just for myself."

That is what she did. It gave her many years of pleasure.


Satisfaction will come to those who please themselves

- Fables by Arnold Lobel

March 19, 2006

Sects and Schisms?

Party Quest Log #288

Location: Ludibrium

Alias: Party 1x
Attribute: Dysfunctional
Successful: Yes

Member 1: Cr4zy4zNDuDe
Profession: Assassin
Attribute: The Sloth
Description: Stood idle for the whole quest except to fight Alishar and to move a few blocks in Stage 8. Was the source of most party confusions, as his absence from a portal yielded the absence of dimension passes.
Famous Line: "I'm busy."

Member 2: Frivolous
Profession: Cleric
Attribute: The Obnoxious
Description: Criticized the actions of most of the other party members, and was the sole healer left during Alishar. Complained about his loss of MP potions.
Famous Line: "guys, we're not going to beat this"

Member 3: XAzNxR3aperX
Profession: Cleric
Attribute: The Idiot
Description: Died on Stage 5 by jumping into a mass of invincible golems. Spent the rest of the time asking whether the party was done yet.
Famous Line: "I DIED"

Member 4: Yarg2 (Party Leader)
Profession: Bandit
Attribute: The Deferential
Description: Acted as the party leader, but never gave instructions when the party had trouble and would disappear doing his own investigation.
Famous Line: "Do what he said."

Member 5: |xTHEFTx|
Profession: Assassin
Attribute: The Choleric
Description: Was extremely temperamental with the inactivity of Cr4zy4zNDuDe. Spent the whole of the Alishar battle shouting at him.

Member 6: strawb3rryy
Profession: Cleric
Attribute: The Oblivious
Description: Was able to carry out most of her duties but became very confused when the leader was missing passes, and would be lost until the party reorganised itself. Died during the fight with Alishar as she did not have MP Guard on, and was attacking rather than healing the party.
Famous Line: "whats happenign"

March 16, 2006

Sleep Deprivation: My Antidrug


Examining the professors of the Arts and Science courses of UofT's St. George Campus. Do they really speak into the blackboard? Do they hire 50 TA's to teach the course for them? Do they fail students to get high? You can check.

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Edit: Stupid Blogger.
Edit 2: Must save quote because I need to change my screen name sometime -_-"

" their envious gabble would prognosticat' a year of sects and schisms." - The cursive message on the wall in Hart House

March 13, 2006

Salmon of Doubt

I was reading a few of my old chat logs from grade 11, and I seem to have become a lot more brain-dull since then. I think I was more content with things in grade 11, and less annoying and obnoxious. Oh well...

It's an air show!

Er, it's not exactly the non-brain-deadness I was referring to, and I think that was grade 10, but I can remember it pretty clearly. O_O

March 12, 2006

Vocals: Porno Graffiti

It is currently very warm. This is good.

From More Psychometric Testing:

Coping Under Pressure
25. How often have you felt the pressure of one thing and another is simply doing your head in?
a) occationally
b) more often than I would like
c) rarely or never

Optimist or Pessimist?
7. How would you complete the saying: If at first you don't succeed...
a) give up
b) try again
c) try, try and try again

8. Alice sent the following cryptic message to the Cheshire Cat. Can you decode it?

nia gareh tego tyt pmu htu pt'nd luocn ems'g nikeh tllad nases
rohs'g ni kehtl la

10. What is the connection between these pairs of words?

nomad ride

melon done

prom echo

chop arising

Verbal Ability
6. Only one set of five letters below can be arranged to spell out a 5-letter English word. Find the word.

These quizzes are silly.

March 09, 2006

The Great Champions Fire of 2006

So today, I went to Mongolian Grill to have delicious bowls of meat and noodles drenched in various sauces. There was much fun and food to be had.

That would've happened, except that the nearby horse betting place had somehow managed to cause a power outage in the whole mall, and the restaurant was closed.

Instead, it was settled to go to Sake, where there was still much fun and food to be had. Except there was sushi instead. And angry Chinese waitresses :(

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March 08, 2006

Er, how did you spell it again?


No entry found for megacompany.

Did you mean car company?

car company
moss campion
ski jumping
moo goo gai pan

March 07, 2006

Don't Be A Litterbug!

Just two more obstacles for this week until March Break. Then it's done.

Today was a day of Toronto Zoo-ing. There was much fun to be had in the wintry weather. There was an otter rolling in the snow, a hermit crab escaping certain doom, lots of tiny lizards fighting over a cricket, and a python ingesting a rabbit. It was dead, I think. The rabbit.

Otherwise it was pretty much the same zoo as before.

One day, I need to go to the Canadian Domain. That isolated corner of the zoo, way back there.

Etc: "A favourite superstition of Yorkshire people to bring good luck on themselves is to throw a hairy caterpillar over their left shoulder whenever they find one!" - A Dictionary of Omens and Superstitions

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March 03, 2006

"He picked up his head!?"

There was a mad crazy MADD presentation today.

Remember, don't drink and drive.

Many victims drown each year trying to retrieve their ball from water hazards while under the influence of alcohol. Don't be one of them.