December 30, 2006

Example: My existence is exciting.

I found my book called The Pocket Dictionary of Signing. Learning sign language seems fun, but probably less so if you're forced to learn it as a primary means of communication.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

December 29, 2006

Do Not Pass Go

Today was a lesson taught the hard way.

Newmarket: 18
Richmond Hill: 8
Markham: 14
Scarborough: 11
Scarborough 2: 100 8

Basically, it's go at 9pm or go broke.

December 26, 2006


Boxing Day! The day to post after a strangely long hiatus.

As well as a lack of posting, there is also a lack of snow. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a little odd nonetheless. It's like being stuck in November.

Had the annual Christmas ritual at my cousins' house. There was food, Wii, and off-tune karaoke. (D:) Sadly for me, there were also two dogs and two cats. By the time I left I was already starting to have partial laryngospasms. Currently, one of my nostrils is defunct, resulting in my not being able to sleep, and the reason I'm posting this early anyway.

Finally got a new cellphone. Not bad, but then again almost anything is better than my old one.

Hopefully you all had a fun break so far and good luck with any of your ambitious holiday shopping endeavours. o_.

Edit: Blue!!!