May 29, 2006
She Sells Seychelles by the Seashore
In the World Desk Reference (2004) I have, you get the hard facts on the state of some countries of the world. And it's usually depressing.
I mean, just economy-wise:
Strengths: Very few, apart from illicit opium trade. Revalued currency issued in 2002. Overseas assets unfrozen from 2002.
Weaknesses: Decades of fighting: infrastructure, agriculture, and industry in ruins. Communication links damaged by earthquakes and devastated by bombing. Aid slow to materialize.
Strengths: Very few. Export of livestock to Arabian peninsula resumed in the north. Inflow of money from Somalis abroad. Growing market in stolen food aid.
Weaknesses: Every commodity, except arms, in extremely short supply. Little economic potential in the south. Livestock destroyed by drought. Banditry, extortion, and kidnapping hamper aid agencies.
And the like. Meanwhile, back in Canada:
Weaknesses: Problems of competitiveness: higher taxes, more regulations, low productivity relative to NAFTA; other threats from globalization. Vulnerable to price fluctuations for raw material exports. Brain drain of professionals heading south.
Eeps, we are losing our brains to the U.S., and that's pretty sad. :(
On another note, from India's economic weaknesses:
The prestige of Bollywood has been damaged by allegations of underworld connections.
I had to look up the definition of "underworld". =\
May 27, 2006
I have pressure!
In terms of the movies I saw the last week, I felt that The Emperor's Club had really good casting, and The DaVinci Code had not-so-good casting. The Emperor's Club also reflected the concept of karma consistently throughout the movie.
May 21, 2006
Glasses Glasses
I started playing Kingdom Hearts 2, borrowed from Arthur.
Prom was on Friday:
It was decent. Food wasn't.
Spiffy formalwear.
Slideshow was decent. Stupid chandelier.
I didn't know why early on the DJ kept interrupting songs instead of waiting in-between songs.
*music playing -
- best part of song finishes*
May 15, 2006
May 14, 2006
May 12, 2006
The Trojans never had any Wiis.
In other news, an editor decides, in a fit of angst against the "Wii", to do a humourous article where he changes the word "revolution" with "Wii".
The editor needs a Wii amount of practice in his grammar skills.
Some exerpts:
Chinese Cultural Wii
Chairman Mao's massive Wii forever changed the face of China.
The Industrial Wii
It may sound like an uncomfortable Wii, with its assembly lines and interchangable parts, but all Wiis are a little painful, and the Industrial Wii flooded the whole world.
#6 says: "...even though it sounded like a bunch of guys revolutioning on sheet metal."
Also, it was Mayday today, which was awesome. I had some good fruity smoothie O_O
May 11, 2006
May 08, 2006
And so, Conference '06 is done.
Here's the Mad-Lib P.10 made. You could tell which group chose which words. ._.
In the beginning, there was poop, which was a dog of dark and endless puffy buttocks. Then one day, miraculously, a flamboyant unibrow appeased from the vortex and broke into two sandwiches. When it broke, the light that radiated from it blew away the clouds, gyrating the Earth underneath and the Heavens above.
The golden unibrow was the Creator, Monica Lewinsky, and when she shattered into two parts they each became a deity: Zaheer, the god of the emptiness, and Sally the goddess of hairbrush. They coexisted peacefully. One went up to the Heavens and the other stayed on Earth. Eventually they began to thrust between where the Brokeback Mountain between the Earth and the Heavens lay. The god of the heavens said that he deserved to have a jucier kingdom because the dragonflies needed to fly freely across stretches of thong. The goddess of the land said that the land provides the potential for life and should be allowed room to defenestrate.
The two deities eventually began to party. Each one attempted to expand the cubic centimetres of their rugs. The great god scattered his naval across the wind, and each seed grew into a being of free-thought and lust. The benevolent goddess shed some of her blood and let it fall to the ravishing earth, and when each drop landed a being full of life and misery sprouted.
But throughout the squabbling of the gods, they did not expunge that some of the seeds mated into a puddle of the shed blood, and from that combination ostracized man. The gods finally took notice of this being, and decided to solve their dispute. The deities all decided to live in the heavens, and man and his fellow dogs could thrust on the fertile earth.
Hmm, "thrust" was used twice by two different groups.
May 03, 2006
"I can't, I'm busy all night talking with my girlfriend."
classics The languages and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. Used with the.
con·fer·ence (knfr-ns, -frns)
An assembly of clerical or of clerical and lay members from a particular district in various Protestant churches.
I'll be there.
May 02, 2006
The Matrix Rectangular - Coming [200|7]
Then the rest of Classical Civ. And then Algeo.
Conference from Thursday to Sunday = Fun and food. And masses of people draped in bedsheets. Speaking of which, I need to find a bedsheet. And figure out how it works again.
Can't wait to see if the I EPLACE L UNGE has been fixed.
From May 2005:
"It's Conference time to four days and three nights of fun. I feel less prepared for anything than I did last year. Darn."
Doesn't look like much has changed. Darn.