April 28, 2006

In mid debauch'

Yay, week is done, next week is Conference. Time to enjoy my HM addiction in peace.

In other news,

Nintendo Wii.

It's "we".

The internet is going to be swamped with the various preteens who are afraid they'll be considered nerds if they like the name "Nintendo Wii".

*waits a few months for them to get on with their lives*

April 26, 2006


The Longest Word in...

Dutch - kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden (49) - meaning 'preparation activities for a children's carnival procession'

Danish - speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode (51) - meaning 'the stabilization period of the planning of medical specialists' practices'

Finnish - lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas (61) - meaning 'apprentice corporal, working as assistant mechanic in charge of airplane turbine engines'

Swedish - nordöstersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmateriel-underhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelse-arbeten (130) - meaning 'preparatory work on the contribution to the discussion on the maintaining system of support of the material of the aviation survey device within the northeast part of the coast artillery of the Baltic'

Way to go you crazy Scandinavian languages, for creating the most contrived and useless words ever. If it was only to get into the record books, you win. Based on their definitions, I don't know if these "words" should even deserve to be called "words". >_>

April 25, 2006

A Fistful of B'DaBalls

Traditional Chinese Nursery Rhymes

If You Steal a Needle

If you steal a needle
Or steal a thread,
A pimple will grow
Upon your head.
If you steal a dog
Or steal a cat,
A pimple will grow
Beneath your hat.

Little Cow

This little cow eats grass,
This little cow eats hay,
This little cow drinks water,
This little cow runs away,
This little cow does nothing,
Except lie down all day.
We'll whip her.


Thursday is Doomsday. Doooom.
At least now I only have a Chapter 10+11 Chemistry Unit test rather than a Chapter 9+10+11 Unit Test. Along with the Bio Unit test, which COULD have been today, but noooooo making a test later will obviously mean that the questions are gonna be THAT much easier. So instead it was opted to place the Bio Unit Test on the same day as the Bio Competition. Good job.

April 23, 2006

Squid Prince

Crap. Harvest Moon has stolen my soul. It's all I did during the weekend. Which is really really bad since this week is gonna be really annoying.

April 22, 2006

Exciting Ranch Offer!

-> You give Earth Golden Wool.
<- Earth's affection towards you raises by 1 heart.
-> You give Earth a Weed.
<- Earth moves out of the village!
-> You try to pick up an Onion
-> Your stamina meter is depleted!
-> You faint and take a day to recover.
-> The Egg Festival is cancelled due to a lack of donations.

April 21, 2006

Girl Currently On The Pill


sounded like a self-derogatory rhetorical question to me at first. But I guess it does need the "?!" at the end to seal the deal.

April 17, 2006

And Other Plays

"The Pseudolus, with its love-lorn young man and quick-talking slave who try desperately to wrest the captive heroine away from the scheming pimp, is a typical and masterly example of Plautus' genius."

Well...at least it sounds more interesting than The Women of Troy...


[Update] It turns out that Pseudolus is a lot more entertaining than The Women of Troy. Which is an understatement. /TWoT bashing

Pseudolus: Blessed gods! This Charinus is a charitable institution! Now this slave of yours from Carystus - is he a foxy sort of fellow?
Charinus: Goaty, by the smell of his armpits.
Pseudolus: We'll have to give him a long-sleeved tunic. Sharp, is he?
Charinus: As an acid-drop.
Pseudolus: And suppose we wanted him to serve up the sweet stuff, can he produce that too?
Charinus: Easily. Spiced wine, raisin wine, fruit cordial, honey cup, sweet drinks of all kinds - they say he once set up as a one-man refreshment bar!

April 16, 2006

Shampoo + 336 hours = Splendid Hair

The next Baten Kaitos is even nicer looking than the first one, and that's saying something. The graphics are pretty crazy. From the screenshots I could see lots of familiar items as well as a lot more new ones. I saw some familiar settings as well. (Opu, Pherkad)

The new battle system is gonna have no defence cards, which actually makes me really happy. In BK1 I only used defence cards to get rid of them from my hand. They usually get in the way, and my tendency to "save" them in case of a brutal attack made my attacking combos really short and weak at times.

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So...the guy on the far right is gonna be in the party... o_O I think he's a robot thingy. I think.

Appearently, the battle magnus system got simplified so it's only "magnus ranks" of sorts, where your combos are based simply on ascending magnus numbers rather than poker hands like in BK1.

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I share Sagi's sentiments.

His eyes follow you everywhere. O_O

Images from Blue Laguna

April 15, 2006

Shut your singing mouths!

It's Whitmore the Toad Pirate! (Again!) And there was a new fourth episode of which I was oblivious to. :o

My personal favourite is still the third one.

Toad pirates don't smoke tobacco!

Walk the plank.

Beavers cannot play chess. Only checkers.

I am going to post this photo on your website.

April 14, 2006

DJ Chutfield

Oleaginous Delight

1 Bowl of Shaved Ice
Copious amounts of Condensed Milk
Generous amounts of Coconut Milk
Deliberate amounts of Liquid Sugar
Several cubes of Black Grass Jelly

Chill and serve with lemon peel twists.

Great for tea parties and for those who like to keep a healthy lifestyle.

April 10, 2006

A Kent Tantrum

As you can clearly see, King Lear is nothing without dinosaurs.

April 07, 2006

Thought for Food Ingestion

Serendipity Golden Opulence Sundae - Lots of real gold ingested.

Kopi Luwak Coffee - Coffee that tastes like crap. Good crap, I guess.

Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata - Doesn't actually cost a zillion dollars.

April 04, 2006

A new scientific study shows that scientific studies may cause cancer

One thing I don't like: Debates.
Another thing I don't like: The Women of Troy
Together, they are pretty much a nightmare waiting to happen.

So, marks get sent away to post-secondary establishments by the end of this week. I don't think I'm able to let myself "slack-off" for the rest of the school year. Fully, anyways. By now, without stress, I feel random symptoms stemming from stress deficiency.

Bio Presentation, English Presentation, Classical Civ Presentation
The Real Axis of Evil

April 02, 2006

Pathetic Fallacy


Edit: April Fool's!!! April Fool's Day was yesterday!

Huh, wait a minute...

April 01, 2006

Music To My Ears

Cuddly farming simulation?

Sounds like a plan.

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Ahh so round and fluffy! And the animals look like they're getting along perfectly!