December 28, 2005


Today, I was browsing the internet and came upon a synonym of Santa Claus and Father Christmas: Kriss Kringle. Then it occured to me that I didn't know what Kriss Kringle meant, or where it came from. And that was alarming.

First I tried the direct approach: finding the definition of 'Kriss' and 'Kringle'. The easy part was 'Kringle'. I came upon many definitions, such as a thin Danish pastry, slang for boss, or triple looped, disulphide linked protein domains. 'Kriss' it appears, has no definition except as a slang for "crisp, cool" or a whore.

Wikipedia gave me no extra information, other than backing up a kringle as a Danish pastry with a proud Danish history. (Mmm...Weinerbrod dough...)

Finally Google informs me that it's just a crazy olde German dialect of sorts for "Christ child".

Are Jesus Christ and Santa Claus the same person? Conspiracy!? */blasphemous ignorance*

Happy Pre-New Year's!? <-- (Should be an interrobang)

December 26, 2005


Download this. Now. <-- Bolded

It's 3:15AM and I can't sleep yet. Silly Christmas parties...

And I'm too pissed off because some wanker took my Future Shop purchase. Out of my hands! So close! Ahhh retardddd *random whining* By which I mean this really happened online.

December 24, 2005

You better watch better not cry...or else.

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This dude came to my backyard and watched me for a few minutes.

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His accomplice flew in and stared at us for a few minutes.

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They came together to deliberate, and literally watched us for 15 minutes straight.

I have good reason to believe that they are robotic furry animal spies sent by Santa Claus to check up on us.

On a related note,
Merry Holidays!!! and such.

December 23, 2005


It's done! Execept for algeo. Which should be okay.

December 20, 2005

100% Inelastic Project Expectations

This week must end. Like, right now. *claps hands twice*

*checks clock*
...Didn't work, did it?

He's totally going to do this to me.
Seriously, there IS good stuff in there from time to time.

December 16, 2005

Let It Snow x3

The picture in the last post was what we were supposed to get, but we really only got this.

Good job weather, I had to do the silly calc test. Oh well <_<"

December 14, 2005

I've wet my pants. Now they're frozen.

IT'S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if Friday will be a snow day. Not that it's particularily convenient. :(

Bite-sized portions

During one dinner, [Queen Elizabeth] sat next to a rather deaf and very dull admiral who regaled the Queen with naval stories, with especial reference to the condition of an old ship which had broken down. In an attempt to change the subject, the Queen enquired, "How is your dear sister?" -a question that the admiral obviously didn't hear, because he continued in the same naval vein, saying "She'll be alright when we've turned her over and scraped the barnacles off her bottom." The Queen's shoulders shook helplessly with laughter as she buried her face in her napkin.

Educationalists often deplore the use of abbreviated or slang words, and one of the most common used is Xmas, in place of Christmas. Wicked atheists have been blamed for using an X in the place of the word Christ, and thus "taking the Christ out of Christmas." In fact, the reverse is true. The X has been used by theologians for hundreds of years to denote the Greek letter chi, the first letter in the Greek spelling of Christ. The X represents Christ and the cross upon which he was crucified.

Punishment for sexual misconduct in 17th-century America was strict, with fines or imprisonment for adulterers and fornicators, and worse for convicted rapists. However, one cannot help feeling a little sorry for the joker Ralph Earle, who was fined 20 shillings in October 1663 for "drawing his wife in an uncivil manner on the snow."

Courtesy of: History Bites by Judith Millidge.

December 13, 2005

My feelings

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I would probably walk into that mural and get laughed at by French people.

December 09, 2005

The portion of honour


That sums up the significant happenings of today.

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That's the constellation Pyromus :O


I went to the doctor's for a check-up on my ultrasound results. My thyroid glands are officially fine, except the right one is a tad above average size. OK. I was also meant to get my flu shot. Somehow during the appointment the doctor though it would be prudent for me to get a blood test. He also decided that I should have it right then and there. So I had a blood shot on my left arm shortly followed by a flu shot on the same arm. Unfortunately, after that I stood up way too quickly and had a sweep of nausea from the screwed up levels of blood. ._O So...I did that "sit for ten minutes" thing. :P Now my left arm is numb from flu shot and irritated from blood test.

I still don't know my blood type and am really perplexed as to why none of my accessible birth records have the results or anything, according to my parents. And I still won't know because you need to pay a fee to get your blood type tested. Which my parents, who are supposed to know it in the first place but don't, don't want to pay for. =\

December 08, 2005


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There's one of these fun comments for each fish and insect. *heavenly vocal chord*

December 05, 2005

He left for an EZ Smoothee

mIRC Chat
(Ben174) : If they only realized 90% of the overtime they pay me is only cause i like staying here playing with Kazaa when the bandwidth picks up after hours.
(ChrisLMB) : If any of my employees did that they'd be fired instantly.
(Ben174) : Where u work?
(ChrisLMB) : I'm the CTO at
*** Ben174 ( Quit (Leaving)

In current news, BIO BIO BIO DOOM.
That mIRC quotes page distracted me a ton. <_>

After this I can enjoy my DQ8 and AC:WW in peace.