If you were wondering how humans came to be according to a Chinese legend:
"[Fuyi and his sister] came across a turtle which said the two of them should marry. Fuyi and his sister said, "How can a brother and a sister marry?" and said if the turtle can come back to life after they beat it to death, they would marry. They beat the turtle to death, whereupon it laughed and crawled away. A bamboo also told them to marry; they cut it down, and it came back to life and laughed as they left. Venus spoke to them, and told them to build fires on two different mountains, and if the smoke columns joined, they could marry. They did so, and the smoke columns came together. Venus laughed, and the brother and sister married. They gave birth to a fleshball. Not knowing what to do with it, they minced it up and scattered the pieces, and the pieces became men and women."