September 30, 2004

Nytol Sleep Aid: May cause drowsiness

Crazy Fact of the Day: In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.

We had a Code Red practice today. It was oen of the most claustrophobic 5 minutes of my life. I had it during chemistry. Good thing we didn't have it in Latin, where one of the walls is basically a long window, and the door on the opposite side also has a large window. Not to mention that the Latin classroom is extremely close to a school entrance.

September 23, 2004

Gave the finger

Mr. Bower had a university professor who taught various courses such as Romance in Literature (or something like that). He didn't have a left hand, rather, his index finger from his right hand was surgically placed onto the stump of his left hand so he could do things like tie his shoelace by looping the lace around the finger and such.

All I could say is that talking something like the pinky finger would be a little better than the index. Because now both of your hands are disabled...How did he hold a pencil...?

Speaking of fingers Mr. Bower got so irritated by the four consecutive announcements in last period he made a grand public guesture of two middle fingers towards the speaker box. He also has a fear of monkey dissections. At last I'm learning more about him, though askewed as these facts may be.

September 21, 2004

Noo...can't...procrastinate... that there's daily homework, I can't procrastinate effectively anymore. (i.e. having time to "play before work") Meaning I do it at lunch. :(

Illegal ripped copy of Troy. Translated to Chinese, then translated again into English subtitles. Hilarity. "Open the gates!" came out as "12 diva!". Yeah, I don't know why either. Needless to say I didn't get much homework done that lunch.

Randomly Mrs. Shah asks in Chemistry class, "Who wants the quiz to be delayed to next week?" The rest is obvious.

September 15, 2004

School is school.

There really isn't anything spectacular except that the homework is now starting to be significant enough to matter a lot. Math quiz tomorrow on factoring, English ode is done. Physics lab done but now we have this other strange thing with tickertape. Chemistry quiz and Biology quiz, luckily separated by lunch. We now actually have WORK for World History. And NOTES! Bah, the first three days were just a fluke. Then there's Comp Sci, made substantially worse by Ms. Butler. Too much talking and such. Algorithms are still evil. Latin review has only begun shaking those dusty memory banks clean.

Sucks. I'm going to change the Word of the Moment now...

September 09, 2004


Physics: Mr. Nowikow seems pretty good. Physics has been normal so far. We're learning uncertainties and doing lab reports. Lotsa fun. Has the biggest textbook ever.

Chemistry: Also normal. We have a quiz on significant digits and scientific notation. Mrs. Shah is OK, but class is uneventful.

Biology: Ms. Howard is good, we had candy the first day. Then we microscoped today. Grafitti on name signs is exciting. Except when the teacher forgets your name and has to read it.

World History: We spent all first class doing this name game thing with 38 students. The next class we watched a movie and got our course pack. A stack of paper as thick as my binder. Un-hole-punched. Un-stapled. ;_;

Math: It basically went: "YOU WILL PROBABLY FAIL." ...Yeah. Most math classes began like that anyway.

English: I learned that a group of larks is an exhaltation. w00t. I got 6/15. >_>

Comp Sci: Overcrowded and unhappy (we had to do algorithms on the first day...). Ms. Butler so far isn't as good as Mr. A....

Latin: Same good ol' Latin. We have a larger group of CU's than last year. /understatement.

September 07, 2004

Table of Times

Day 1
Physics - Nowikow ***
Chemistry - Shah **
Biology - Howard ****
World History - Bower *****

Day 2
Mathematics - Provvisionato **
English - Tunnicliff ****
Computer Science - Butler ***
Latin - MClaren *****

September 06, 2004

Prepare to be Educated

Tomorrow is school. School means a more routined day again for ten absurdly long months with fractured holidays here and there. School means the time you have to do things not school is reduced from around 15-16 hours to around 8-9 hours, if you don't have homework, or more if you don't like sleep.

I usually would have put up my timetable if I wasn't picking it up tomorrow. I'm going to be very busy counting classroom numbers.

I haven't really prepared myself for school mentally, due to being away the last two weeks. I'm going to be brutally thrust into the mood of school tomorrow. Time to set clock to 6 AM and hope I don't overuse the Sleep button.

September 03, 2004


I just got back from my vacation from Florida and I can't believe how well everything worked out, with the hurricanes and all.

I originally was already lucky enough to have just dodged Hurricane Charley and arrived Monday August 23. It was planned that I would spend the first week in Florida and the second for my cruise to the Bahamas. An unexpected flight time change forced us to move the cruise to the first week instead, and we never knew how well that would work out as well. Obviously if I had gone the cruise the second week to the Bahamas, Hurricane Frances would complicate things a lot.

Another thing that worked out was our flight home. It didnt get cancelled or delayed, and it was today at 10:40 AM, just in time to get out before the hurrcane and just in time to leave before Orlando Int. Airport closed down. Long security lines > me.

It was a great vacation, and because of the hurricane the theme park lines got really short on Thursday, which was fine with me. Snorkling was great but sunburns aren't.

Ew, school shouldn't be on Tuesday. ;_;